Miscellaneous Task #1

“Women in Medieval Society”


The peasant women have responsibilities like domestic responsibilities, including caring for children, preparing food, and tending livestock. A common thing of the peasant women was the distaff. Eve is shown with a distaff because it illustrates her duty to perform manual labor after the fall from Paradise.  The women were different because the rural ones worked in the fields with their husbands but the ones in town help their fathers and husbands in a variety of trades and crafts, including the production of textiles, leather goods, and metal work. The belief behind the story was that women were inferior to men and that they were morally weaker and likely to tempt men into sin. The women hold power in the church because they could hold positions of great responsibility and they have political power, especially as queens and regents who exercised royal authority. Queen Isabella brought about the end of the reign of her husband, Edward II. Young aristocrats have arranged marriage by their families. Pregnancy and childbirth during the Middle Ages were risky situations and can’t be compared to these days. Something I learned from this article is that pregnancy was a complete disaster at that time. The most intriguing part for me was when queen Isabella brought his husband to the end. I would recommend this because I found it interesting.

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